Memo from Sheriff Principal Anwar intimating that a plea surgery will be held on Mondays starting from 23 Oct. 2023.
Please see attached file for details.
The Crown has also advised (with reference to the Sheriff Principal's memo) as follows :
1. The Crown has set up a dedicated mailbox to receive information in relation to potential pleas. This mail box is - Please provide the case reference number and an indication of the plea to be offered to enable the Crown to consider the position in advance of any meeting where possible. This mailbox can also be used to submit any s76 letters.
2. There will be a depute available on Mondays between the hours of 10:30am and 4:30pm within the room inside the court officials entrance to court 1 in the basement.
3. For any pleas outwith the surgery, please contact the CLO Legal Manager for summary matters and Amanda Gallacher, the Sitting Manager for any solemn matters.
4. As the solemn and solemn/summary global pleas will call within the First Diet Court, details of our solemn First Diet deputes are as below -
John Bedford- Tuesday
Jennifer Reid – Wednesday
Lauren Donnelly – Thursday
Emma Baker – Friday