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Sheriff Principal's Mooting Competition Finals 2024

The Royal Faculty held the final of it's annual mooting competition on Wednesday 8 May presided over by Sheriff Principal Anwar.

The final took place between teams from Strathclyde University and Glasgow Caledonian University.

Two students at Strathclyde Law School, first-year student Sarah Akram (acting as Junior Counsel) and second-year International student Harbani Kohli (acting as Senior Counsel), represented the appellants.

Mooters Hannah Nibloe (acting as Junior Counsel) and Niamh Crossan (acting as Senior Counsel), from GCU, represented the respondents.

Both teams put in very strong performances as they grappled with the issue of whether the police could be liable in delict for harm caused by one individual protestor to another individual taking part in a counter-protest.

In awarding the cup to the Strathclyde Team, Sheriff Principal Anwar commended both teams for their fine performances, stating that she would readily welcome all four of the mooters into her court given the excellent standard they had demonstrated.

The Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow would like to thank all the teams which took part and the institutions they represented and all attended the final. Particular thanks are also due to Alan Ritchie (who acted as clerk to the moot) and Sheriff Principal Anwar for her participation.

Finalists in the Mooting Competition (l-r: Harbani Kohli, Sara Akram (of Strathclyde University), Sheriff Principal Anwar, Hannah Nibloe and Niamh Crossan (of Glasgow Caledonian University))

Winners of the 2024 mooting final


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