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Jobs Direct 
Vacancy Service

A cost effective, efficient way of ensuring that your recruitment needs are met.

All legal vacancies advertised through this service will be e-mailed to an extensive client list of lawyers (both Members and non-Members of the RFPG). The details of the position will also be placed on the Job Vacancies section of our website and so will be available 24 hours a day until the closing date. Social Media posts will also be made, directing subscribers to the Job Advert in question.

For Individual Members or Practice Unit Members the charge for the first advert is £195 + vat. The fee for non-members is £270 + vat.

Thereafter the cost for every subsequent advert placed is £95 + vat.


The Royal Faculty can also act as the intermediary on a "box number" basis whereby the details of the Firm advertising the position can be kept confidential - please indicate whether or not you require this service. If wishing to utilise the box number service the cost will be £200.00 + vat.

To place an advert simply fill in the online form and the advert will be posted until the specified closing date or until you decide to withdraw the advert.

Contact us if you have any queries.

To view positions currently being advertised please go to Job Vacancies.

If you would like to be notified by e-mail each time a new position is advertised on our website simply subscribe to our newsletter.

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