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RFPG Basic Advocacy Course

Dates: Tuesday evenings 5.30pm-7.30pm

7, 21, 28 June and 5 July 2022

Venue: Faculty Hall, 12 Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow G2 1BT

CPD/TCPD: 14 hours (8 hours, plus 6 hours preparation time)

Cost: £200 for RFPG members (£300 for non-members)

The sessions will be run in groups of eight persons. We intend to provide a combination of guidance, tips, discussion, and constructive feedback to enable delegates to practise and improve their personal advocacy skills. The emphasis will be on giving delegates the opportunity to present under realistic conditions before a real sheriff, so it is very important that delegates are able to put aside the time to prepare adequately for their presentations.

WEEK 1 - Lecture by experienced practitioner, discussion amongst the group and mock presentations by individuals.

Introduction to the programme. Introduction to the group methodolgy. Discussion about the basics of advocacy. Voice, language, presentational skills, preparation for hearings and conduct in court. Delegates will present a simple unseen motion and receive individual feedback.

Allocation of roles and provision of papers for the next session. Arrangements for provision of support and assistance to delegates.

WEEK 2 – Making submissions in a contested motion.

Detailed papers will have been provided and delegates will be expected to have taken the time to carry out proper professional preparation with a view to presenting or opposing the motions individually. The case will be heard by a sheriff and delegates will be assisted by a mentor. Detailed personal feedback will be provided to individuals and there will be a group review to conclude.

Allocation of papers and roles for the next session.

Week 3 – Conduct of Proof – examination in chief.

Delegates will have been given papers and roles and are expected to prepare for the conduct of an examination in chief of a key witness in the case. Individual feedback will be provided.

Allocation of roles for the cross examination of the witnesses for the next session.

Week 4 – Conduct of Proof – Cross examination

Delegates will be expected to prepare for the cross examination of witnesses in the case. Individual feedback will be provided.

By the conclusion of the programme, delegates should have a good understanding of advocacy skills in civil proceedings, and an opportunity to practise these skills in realistic simulated cases before a sheriff with assistance from a mentor and detailed feedback on their performance.

To book a place please email


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