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About the Seminar:

Value based pricing is a very hot topic at present. With lawyer burnout becoming more evident, plus the pressure on fees as a result of the implementation of AI systems and the consumers dislike of the billable hour, this subject should be of interest to all members of  the legal profession.


• An introduction to the advantages of ditching the billable hour and embracing value pricing in the legal sector. 

•  A high-level outline of the ‘Eight P Point Plan™  ’ a methodology of implementing value-based pricing in a law firm . 

• A review of pricing confidence surveys (if undertaken).


About the Speaker - Shaun Jardine, Director- Big Yellow Penguin 

Shaun is unashamedly and unapologetically a disruptor. 


As a solicitor, commercial director, and former law firm CEO of a top 250 law firm, he has a unique insight into what makes law firms tick and how to exploit the good bits and ditch the bad. 

Shaun founded Big Yellow Penguin (BYP) in 2021 with the aim of encouraging and helping lawyers and law firms to move on from the 20th century and adopt practices, including value pricing, which will make their futures more secure, both financially and operationally, and enjoy practising their craft again.

Shaun has recently finished writing his first book  ‘Ditch The Billable Hour’ !  which is due to be published in early 2024.


Originally Recorded 18.1.24

CPD Time 1.5 Hours

18.1.24 Our Iceberg is Melting! Ditch the Billable Hour

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