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Chair: David Thomson KC 

Speakers: The Rt Hon. Lord Malcolm; Tim Young, advocate; Scott Manson, advocate; Murray Steel, advocate; and Kirsty Shaw, advocate


With a keynote address from Lord Malcolm and sessions with a range of counsel practising before the commercial courts, this half-day conference will provide perspectives on modern commercial litigation in Scotland. The event will be followed by a private drinks reception at a nearby venue. 


Keynote address by the Rt. Hon. Lord Malcolm

Lord Malcolm began practice as an advocate in 1977 and took silk in 1990. He was elected Dean of Faculty in 2001 before his elevation to the Court of Session bench in 2007. He served as senior commercial judge before being appointed to the Inner House in 2014.


Tim Young, advocate

“ More than a mere trade or business” – counsel and solicitors in commercial disputes

Some reflections from the Bar on the manner and method of solicitors working with counsel in modern commercial actions.


Scott Manson, advocate

“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly or a Fistful of Dollars?” – a critical comparison between litigation and arbitration and trends in practice north and south of the border.


Murray Steel, advocate

“Questions of causation” – a perspective on the importance of the proper analysis of causation in commercial disputes.


Kirsty Shaw, advocate

“Key cases of the 2023/2024 season for commercial practitioners” – a view on the cases from the last year or so about which all commercial practitioners should be aware


Originally Recorded 18.10.24

CPD Time 3.5 Hours

18.10.24 Commercial Disputes Half-Day Conference 2024

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