A personal view of the current situation with the Courts, Contact and Covid together with a preliminary and personal take on the new Bill – Are we there yet?
About the Speaker
Linda has over 25 years as a tenacious solicitor who achieves the best possible results for her clients and their families. Her primary area of interest has always been family law. Her expertise particularly in regard to cases involving children is widely recognised by Sheriffs who regularly appoint her as a Reporter and Curator to Children.
Linda is formally accredited not only as a family law specialist but also a child law specialist and she was a mediator accredited by the Law Society. Linda’s wide range of legal qualifications has enabled her to successfully resolve issues for clients across the whole of the UK whilst her impressive combination of academic and legal qualifications gives her a unique ability to empathise with the needs of her clients.
Originally recorded on 12.11.20
12.11.20 Children, Contact, Covid, and the new Children (Scotland) Bill
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