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This session is designed appeal both to Family and general chamber practitioners and will cover a general round up on a number of areas including:

1. Valuation of Businesses on Divorce
2. Conversion of Business into matrimonial property
3. Businesses and Special Circumstances Arguments
4. The role of Section 9(1)(B)
5. Business and resources arguments


About the Speakers


Alexis Harper is a member of the Family Law Association and has experience in all matters relating to family law including separation, divorce, financial provision, cohabitation and residence and contact disputes relating to children. She has developed solid advocacy skills in the course of her career representing clients at Sheriff Courts across Scotland in relation to matters concerning their children and their finances. Alexis is particularly focused on cases involving financial provision on Divorce and has acted for clients who are involved in high-value divorce actions both at the Sheriff Court and the Court of Session involving individuals who have resided across Scotland.Alexis has delivered training and presentations both externally and internally relating to financial provision on separation and in particular in relation to the treatment of business interests on Divorce. Alexis is accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as a specialist in Family Law.


Jenny Smith has experience of all aspects of family law, including divorce and separation, civil partnership, financial provision, cohabitant claims, preparation of pre and post nuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements and issues to do with children including residence and contact. She has a particular interest and experience in the financial issues arising from separation and divorce, often involving high net worth, complex or unusual matters. She has been involved in many complicated cases in both the Sheriff Court and the Court of Session.
Jenny is accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as a specialist in family law as well as an accredited family mediator. She is trained in interdisciplinary collaborative practice. She is dual-qualified in Scottish and English law.


Originally recorded on 20.4.21

20.4.21 Family Business and Divorce over the years

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